Friday, 22 April 2016

Body Image

Hello beauties! How are you? I really hope you’re all well, and have had a nice week. I am really excited to write this blog because I feel like it is something that affects me a lot, and a lot of young people around me… TODAY I WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT BODY IMAGE! You see I get super conscious about my body, my weight, my stomach looks like and how my legs look, because of how I compare myself to models, who spend hours at the gym every day and hardly eat anything. Recently after Easter this caused a lot of anxiety and I actually over thought everything that was going into my mouth, I was constantly counting calories, I spent a lot of time trying to do mini-workouts as I felt I needed to improve my body image- I also spent quite a lot of money on a running kit (WHICH I AM STILL WAITING FOR TO ARRIVE) but now I am promising myself to try and get fitter without controlling what goes into my mouth because starving yourself isn’t a healthy way to lose weight.

The last time I was happy with the way my stomach looked was last summer- when I just felt like I’d managed to achieve what I wanted- I feel like during that time I did a lot more walking and was up and around more and it really helped for me to be more confident on myself.

I also have a guilty pleasure of snacking which I feel like may lead to me feeling insecure- I am writing this on Thursday the 21st and have decided to make myself a promise to cut out my in-between meal snacks for the next week- I’ll let you know how that goes!

This little quote really helped me:

I know you may be reading this and thinking that I shouldn’t be trying to make other people feel better about themselves when in reality I am so insecure about my body image and have anxiety, and I totally get you but the thing is that being able to compliment other people helps me- since I’ve started writing this blog I’ve had a lot less anxiety attacks and have manged to accept myself for who I am a little bit more- I’m not writing this for attention because trust me that is the last thing on earth I would want over something like this- I am writing this because I like to think you all deserve to know the truth.
This is what I was comparing myself to- she is perfect!

Here is my exercise routine that I’ve decided to take really seriously, as since I’ve been taking a new type of tablets I was advised to stop taking part in two swimming sessions-I’m going to replace these with going on regular runs (or walks) and me and my mum are getting a membership at a local gym.

Monday: 20 Push ups

                  40 sit ups

                 1 minute wall sit

                 1 minute plank.

Tuesday: 20 sit ups

                  1minute wall sit

                 1 minute plank

Wednesday: Water polo for an hour

Thursday: 20 sit ups

                  1minute wall sit

                 1 minute plank

Friday: Rest  day

Saturday and Sunday: Mixture of sit ups, planks, wall sits and swimming for an hour.

That was probably the most boring part of this week’s blog but I just felt it was important that I shared some of my more personal life with you, non of these exercises require equipment therefore are super fun and easy to try at home.

The thing about body image is that you always want to have someone else’s figure or height and most of the time you look really healthy and attractive anyway :D xox We always want to change a part of our bodies, whether it’s our eyelashes or the amount of muscle we have on our bodies we’re never satisfied, but my friend (who is amazing and you should check out her blog- link under my name at the end of this blog) wrote about how you should stand in front of the mirror and compliment yourself- it actually works because it helped me when I was going through a massive low during the Easter holidays.

A lot of celebrities struggle with body image 

If you are to learn anything from this I hope it is that everyone gets conscious about what they look like- it’s totally normal and I hope I manged to convince you that you’re not the only who gets nervous about what they see in the mirror xox

I love you all so much- thank you for the continued support on this beautiful journey xox

Sending hugs and kisses

Beauty Of A Girl

P.S. Check out my friends blog at you really won’t regret it xox

Friday, 1 April 2016


Dear Readers,
I have recently read my own blog and decided that I was wrong, you see I telling everyone to accept and love themselves when in reality I don’t, this may be common with everyone because of how self-cautious the society makes us however I feel like I was in a really negative part of my life, and actually I wasn’t being myself, so over the past couple of weeks I’ve tried to detox myself from everything negative in my life, I have managed to end a really unhealthy friendship, and have really promised myself to try and be more positive, I am now trying to change friendship groups because although the people I hang around are lovely in lessons I am actually really uncomfortable around them at break and lunch and really in order to be myself I need to change these things. I stopped wearing make up to try and embrace my natural self and I really want to inspire people to have a go at this because it’s made me feel so much better about myself.

Hey that's me :D
I started focusing on my skin routine, I have really oily skin and therefore use “Clean and Clear” I’ve found that this skin routine really helps me have my spots under control and has allowed me to feel more confident about myself, I also visited the doctors about my agony and am now taking daily tablets, they’re supposed to take around 2 months to clear my skin so as soon as that time passes I will update everyone. On Thursday the 24th of March we had a non-school uniform day, so I decided to wear a bit of make up; here is a selfie. I feel like because I haven’t worn any make recently it made me feel special and helped me feel a bit better about myself and my appearance.
I haven’t worn any make up in around a month, just to allow my skin to be able to have a bit of a breather and I can really see clear progress with my spots limiting, I have still worn lip sticks and lip glosses in order to draw attention to them rather than my eyes where I tend to aim to have the attention.

Top Tips for not wearing make up to school
1)      Take  extra care with your hair- now you’re spending less time covering up your face, spend more time trying new hairstyles with your hair,

My favourite hairstyles include
·         Messy buns
·         Pony tails
·         Half up and half down (I tend to straighten my hair)
·         Half up bun with the rest of my hair down

2)      Take time on your eye brows, this will allow your eyes to look better more lifted and it can really help to bring your eyes out,
Here are some tips
·         Mark the areas you want to remove with a white pencil or a concealer
·         Pluck in the direction that they grow as this should be less painful
·         You can use an eyebrow pencil (you can get a really good one from Rimmel that costs £2.99)
·         Make sure your eyebrows are at least the width of your pinkie

3)      You can use a top coat nail vanish to give your nails a healthy glow, keep in mind that some schools are stricter on this than others,
When you take an arty picture of your skin routine- photo credit goes to me :D
4)      Make sure you’re cleansing you’re face, if you’re young than using water will be fine however as you grow up, you may have oily or dry skin- make sure you’re using the right moisture for your skin, here is my skin routine- I have oily skin and find that using these regularly helps however they haven’t helped clear my spots and therefore I am now taking lymecycline 408 mg to try and control the situation- if you have ever used these please let me know if they helped and any possible side affects you had.

I was in such a bad friendship that was just causing me anxiety and making me self-conscious on who I talked to, like I couldn’t talk to any boys without her looking at me as if I didn’t have a chance with anyone and I was becoming very self-conscious of my body.
How to end an unhealthy friendship
1)      Understand that it’s time for the friendship to end- realise how the person is making you feel and you it’s affecting you,

2)      Plan ahead- you may need to think about changing friendship groups, try and make new friends before you say goodbye to your old ones because you probably don’t want to sit on your own as you may feel even worse about yourself.

3)      Ask to talk to the person/ people and tell them how they’re making you feel, if they start swearing at you just try not to react with anger but just be honest with them HOWEVER WHATEVER YOU DO DON’T APPOLOGISE! You wanted this friendship to end because how they made you feel, don’t feel sorry for trying to do the right thing.

4)      Talk to other people, I found that the person had a lot of anger because they weren’t expecting it so they tried to do everything to isolate me, trying talking to new people that maybe you wouldn’t usually wouldn’t. Talk to your other friends or family as it will help get rid of that heavy feeling at the bottom of your chest.

Beautiful readers, remember to try and do everything to make you feel happier and better, throughout your life you will see people come and go, learn to let those negative people go and try and surround yourselves with people that will make you happy.

Sending you all hugs and kisses
Beauty Of A Girl xox