Hello beauties! How are you? I really hope you’re all well, and have had a nice week. I am really excited to write this blog because I feel like it is something that affects me a lot, and a lot of young people around me… TODAY I WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT BODY IMAGE! You see I get super conscious about my body, my weight, my stomach looks like and how my legs look, because of how I compare myself to models, who spend hours at the gym every day and hardly eat anything. Recently after Easter this caused a lot of anxiety and I actually over thought everything that was going into my mouth, I was constantly counting calories, I spent a lot of time trying to do mini-workouts as I felt I needed to improve my body image- I also spent quite a lot of money on a running kit (WHICH I AM STILL WAITING FOR TO ARRIVE) but now I am promising myself to try and get fitter without controlling what goes into my mouth because starving yourself isn’t a healthy way to lose weight.
The last time I was happy with the way my stomach looked was
last summer- when I just felt like I’d managed to achieve what I wanted- I feel
like during that time I did a lot more walking and was up and around more and
it really helped for me to be more confident on myself.
I also have a guilty pleasure of snacking which I feel like
may lead to me feeling insecure- I am writing this on Thursday the 21st
and have decided to make myself a promise to cut out my in-between meal snacks
for the next week- I’ll let you know how that goes!
This little quote really helped me:
Here is my exercise routine that I’ve decided to take really seriously, as
since I’ve been taking a new type of tablets I was advised to stop taking part
in two swimming sessions-I’m going to replace these with going on regular runs
(or walks) and me and my mum are getting a membership at a local gym.
Monday: 20 Push ups
40 sit ups
1 minute wall sit
1 minute plank.
Tuesday: 20 sit ups
1minute wall sit
1 minute plank
Wednesday: Water polo for an hour
Thursday: 20 sit ups
1minute wall sit
1 minute plank
Friday: Rest day
Saturday and Sunday: Mixture of sit ups, planks, wall sits and swimming for
an hour.
That was probably the most boring part of this week’s blog but I just felt
it was important that I shared some of my more personal life with you, non of these exercises require equipment therefore are super fun and easy to try at home.
The thing about body image is that you always want to have someone else’s
figure or height and most of the time you look really healthy and attractive anyway
:D xox We always want to change a part of our bodies, whether it’s our
eyelashes or the amount of muscle we have on our bodies we’re never satisfied,
but my friend (who is amazing and you should check out her blog- link under my
name at the end of this blog) wrote about how you should stand in front of the
mirror and compliment yourself- it actually works because it helped me when I
was going through a massive low during the Easter holidays.
A lot of celebrities struggle with body image |
If you are to learn anything from this I hope it is that everyone gets conscious
about what they look like- it’s totally normal and I hope I manged to convince
you that you’re not the only who gets nervous about what they see in the mirror
I love you all so much- thank you for the continued support on this
beautiful journey xox
Sending hugs and kisses
Beauty Of A Girl
P.S. Check out my friends blog at http://omigoshi.weebly.com/
you really won’t regret it xox
I feel like this blog post is really inspirational 😄