Monday, 28 August 2017

A year since the last post

Okay, don't even ask me why no posts have gone up in the last year- I didn't forget about this blog, but I have been super busy? Hmm, no actually I've been slowly learning how to use my time efficiently- have you ever spent a day doing something and then you look back and realised you could have probably gotten it done in under half the time? That sums at my year, I managed to get everything done (in terms of school work ect.) and meet all my deadlines but it has been stressful and the amount of time I spent on everything meant I didn't always have extra time for things I would have liked to do, like meeting up with friends more and writing this blog. But that's okay as this year I can try and work on that, I have had such an incredible summer (I am working on the write ups for that, so they will defiantly be up soon) and I have realised that I need to dis attach myself from social media and try and spend more time outside, making memories instead of trying to work on that instagram feed x
 I have been on two great holidays and then on a guide festival, making so many new friendships and new memories, I have learnt a lot of new things (those outside of classroom lessons are the best ones right?)  and managed to really enjoy myself, while exploring new cultures.
I guess I'm just trying to say I have been motivated to try and become  the best version of myself, so here are a couple of things I would like to achieve over the next year:

  1. Get a job- I need to wait until my 16th birthday to get a national insurance number before I can do this, 
  2. Start a reading list - I want to get into reading more, so from now on I am going to try and get through one book per month, expect to see book reviews on here as well as on my instagram. I promise to stay away from posting spoilers,
  3. Try and look after my health- not counting calories, but defiantly through trying to eat more wholesome foods,
  4. Spending less time on social media- I am going to allow myself one hour per day,I can monitor this through looking at the battery setting on my phone, if I manange a whole week of this I will treat myself to a treat decided at the start of the week.
So how has your summer been? Have you learnt anything? What goals have you set yourself for this school year?
Leave a comment down below, or reach out on instagram @beautyofagirl
Keep an eye out for new posts,
Beauty of a Girl xx

Monday, 15 August 2016


View onto Exmouth at night.
Hello lovley people,
So we have gone away againšŸ˜Š and due to how many of you beautiful people seemed to love my little Blackpool diary I thought Iā€™d write one of our time in Devon. Just before you start reading I have a little confession to make basically this diary starts on Tuesday although weā€™ve been here since Saturday, I know Iā€™m horrible! Basically Saturday we got here at 6 and it took us until 8 to pitch our tent, then on Sunday it was a case or lazing around and it rained for all of Monday so we stayed in our tent watched NetflixšŸ‘Œ and went on a 2 hour walk, so yeah all those days were really cute but I just feel like the updates for that would have been really boring, so letā€™s start on Tuesday xx This diary is only two days long because it got really repetitive- during the first week most days were spent like Tuesday I write about, and during the second week we moved to another area of Devon (near the English Rivera) in a static caravan but the weather there was so nice it was just waking up in the morning, eating breakfast, going to the gym, having lunch, getting ice cream from Morrisons and going to the beach for the rest of the day- it was really lovely and relaxing but I just feel like it would have been the most repetitive thing ever to read so I skipped that out.
Please enjoy the two days of my holiday- maybe next year there could be a couple of vlogs? Or I could vlog a day of my when we get back? Please let me know in the comments.
Beach huts at night x

9.30 am- I wake up, half an hour later than my family, theyā€™re all already changed and just taking it calmly, so I have to go and wait in the queue for the showers on my own for like 10 minutes, once Iā€™m in the shower I wash my hair and just day dream itā€™s great.
10.15 am- We have our grand breakfast of Just Right breakfast cereal and milk, with a sip of tea and a doughnut, twas really tasty, like at home I would normally eat Just Right but I would never find it that tasty.
11.30 am- We were planning to go into the outside swimming pool but it was a little bit cloudy so we went into the inside one instead. I went into the sauna and managed to sit in there for like 10 minutes, it was a little awkward not going to lie as at one point everyone was sat in silence and we we all so hot- I really wish one of you lovley guys was in there so we could have a really nice conversation.
1.30 pm- We had a spot of lunch,  these lovley rolls with seeds on top, ham, cheese, cucumber and butter (the butter was the best bitšŸ˜…).
3.30 pm- Iā€™m not actually sure what we spent the last two hours doing but now weā€™re off to the Dawlish Warren, which is a spit (for any of you that are into Geography) that was formed from the village down the coast called Dawlish.
5.00 pm- We walked from the Dawlish Warren to Dawlish, ate some ice cream and watched the tide come in.
7.30 pm- We tried the best fish and chips, I swear if anyone reads this and the Blackpool day theyā€™re going to think that me and my family are really obsessed with fish and chips, I promise you we arenā€™t (well maybe a little bit) but we only eat it on holiday, we never have it at home.
8.30 pm- Weā€™re litrally just lead in our tent having a little snooze, because ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls itā€™s important to let your food digest properly.
10.00 pm- After not really doing other than talking we went into the shower block, where I saw this girl that constantly smiles at me when she sees me walking around the campsite, she seems like such a wonderful person and I would really love to get to know her, so I tried asking for her name but she just gave me really short anwsers and I turned out just talking a load of rubbish to try and limit the awkwardness, I would really like to get to know her but I donā€™t know whethe were the type of people that get along- shall keep you updated on that my dear friends.
10.30 pm- Iā€™m off to sleep, already for the next day which is looking quite exciting. Leave a comment down below, on where you went on holiday or if you could go anywhere where would you go?
You may have noticed that I havenā€™t been very active on any of my social media accounts, the simple reason for that is the wifi here isnā€™t working on my tablet, I really wish I knew why but I donā€™t.  A possible explenation could be because weā€™re on one of the new camping fields and the networks and connections here are a little off.
Our campiste! I managed to find our car, keep scrolling for that shot x
The blue car is our car with our great little tent inside it- the blue
is the actual tent whilst the green is an extension x
A little cliff that's all alone- a bit like me during the summer holidays ;)
Me and my annoying little sister planning how to take over the world x (JOKESSS)

I'm not sure whether my eyes are open or closed in this picture x

8.30 am- I've just woken up to the sound of some children running around and being annoyingly loud, I really donā€™t mean to sound moody itā€™s just I sure do like to get some sleep and they were running around and screaming at each other, greatšŸ‘.
9.30 am- I just got to the middle of Pride and Prejudice itā€™s a really good book, it can just be a little funny to read as itā€™s written in quite an old fashioned way, maybe when I finish the book I can do a blog post on how to understand the harder words? Please let me know if you would like that xxx
Litrally most of the day (until 5)- We went to the wonderful town of Exmouth, it was really cute all the ally ways are so beautiful and the view from the beach was just goals x Please do enjoy some of the photos that I took, all the photos under each day were taken on the day I am writing about x Little story; You see I donā€™t have a wetsuit so I canā€™t go in the sea and surf with my sister because ainā€™t nobody want a cold bottom, so we went into Sports Direct as they had wetsuits on sale, so we went in and I decided to try a size 10 on, I went into the changing room (which was just the bit under the stairs without a proper wall just a metal rod and a curtain haning) and I got super stuck in the wet suit, it took me like 5 minutes to get out of it, I actually wanted to die.
6.30 pm- We went into the indoor swimming pool and thereā€™s also a sauna and a steam room, let me know which one you prefer, a sauna is litrally the hot air coming from the coal in the middle, whilst the steam room is hot steam coming and opening up all sweat glads and getting all the ā€˜toxicā€™ (quoting my mum there) substances out of your body xx I managed to last 15 minutes in the Steam Room- was very chuffed.
8.15 pm- Guess what we had for tea? You know it fish and chips! Basicually, we had an amazing one yesterday and we went to the same one we did yesterday and it was just good twas crazyyyyyyy.
The smiley girl update: Havenā€™t seen her todayšŸ˜Æ maybe tomorrow our paths shall crossssss? Xox Iā€™m quite hyper now so Iā€™m adding so many letters on to the end of each word #spellingbumblebeechallenge.
10.30 pm- My sister has a game called Parking Mania on her tablet and weā€™ve just been playing it for over an hour because it doesnā€™t need Wi-Fi once itā€™s installed and she installed it before we left, itā€™s so addictivešŸ˜‰ really having the time if my life here xx
11.00 pm- Baby Ania falls asleep, zzzzzzzz
Hope you all enjoyed that beauties xox Youā€™re all so incredible and breath taking never forget that xx
Sending hugs and kisses

Beauty Of A Girl
P.S. The smiley girl update: I never saw her today, but that's okay becuase I have many friends at home- Moral of the story, when 

Just missing the sun and I'd have the perfect sunset picture x

Little side walk by the sea xx

I think those cliffs were called the Jurassic Coast x

The English Channel enjoys looking tumblr and
Pintrest worthy x 

Goes with the picture below x

That view made me want to capture it- hope you enjoy it as much as I did x

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Lets be chatty :D

PHOTOGRAPHY SKILLS: ME- Sorry for bosting but I LOVE this picture
That's not my dog tho xox
Hello lovelies!
Thank you for taking a couple of minutes out of your day to come and read my blog- it means so much and Iā€™m not just saying that to be polite xox Firstly, I would like to apologise you how a couple of my older posts were written, you see I donā€™t really think they reflected me and I didnā€™t make them very personal which probably made them really booooring to read and they seemed to drag on- I AM REALLY SORRY! PLEASE DONā€™T BE ANGRY! Iā€™m not going to let my school life disrupt the quality of these posts as that is really unfair on you wonderful people who come and read what I write on here.

When you try and write @beautyofagirl and be all tumbr in the sand
-I think I failed xox
Anyway, before I spend all of this blog post apologising, todays blog post isnā€™t dedicated towards a topic because I thought I could just write something super chatty- open myself up to you guys and show you that I am just an average teenage girl as for many of you it could be the first time reading my blog so you probably want to know a little bit about meā€¦ Here it goes:

ft. the sun
FACT NUMBER ONE: I am a 14 year old girl, my birthday is on the 12th of November. I am in year 9- I am one of those geeky people that enjoys school (which is a really good thing if you like school too, donā€™t worry being geeky can be cute- and if you donā€™t like school thatā€™s okay too because weā€™re all different and I am sure youā€™re amazing in another area like sport or maybe youā€™re associated with being funny or really caring and those qualities are really important too!)

Another one of those photos- sorry not sorry :D xox
FACT NUMBER TWO: My name is Anna, I was born in Poland, where the name Anna can be shorted to Ania (pronounced Anya) we moved over to the UK when I was 9 and have lived here ever since- I can understand that all of you have different ideas on migration however my parents have worked really hard to provide me with as many opportunities as possible and done everything so I am capable of fitting in- SO PLEASE DONā€™T HATE!
'Em blue socks and three quarter jeans- for the record
their normal size but got wet from the sea so I rolled them up xox

FACT NUMBER THREE: None of my friends know about my blog... Youā€™re in a secret society with me that only a couple of people know about- ainā€™t we cute? Donā€™t get me wrong I trust them itā€™s just I want to build something really successful up before I show them, I will write as soon as I tell them.

That brown coat is the latest fashion hit yet! xox
FACT NUMBER FOUR: I play water polo- high five to any water polo players! High five to any swimmers, football, basketball, netball players and to anyone that does any other sport. And a MASSIVE high five to anyone who loves TV, reading and pretty little liar fans- I AM ONLY ON SEASON THREE SO PLEASE DONā€™T SPOIL IT!!!!

That's me- the one pulling up here jeans :/
FACT NUMBER FIVE: Next year I have been invited to represent English girlguiding in Slovakia, I am so excited for next summer- I really hope that I will still be writing this blog next year and you will all still be reading so I can share all of the adventure with you. Let me know if you would like to see a couple of vlogs coming up on a possible future YouTube channel? Email me at and start a conversation or you can always reach out on Insatgram @beautyofagirl

So yeah, there a 5 facts about me, email me five facts about you or comment them on my Instagram, I am not the most exciting person, there is a couple more bits of information about me on the about me profile, which will take you to a link where I have written about my favourite books, films and music- all the usual things.

Stairs and the sea :D
Sorry that this is a little bit short but I figured it would be funnier to read and there is still plenty of thing to read further down- have fun exploring my blog and let me know any thoughts you have.
Cute little tram xox

Until next time,
Sending hugs and kisses

Beauty Of A Girl xox
P.S. I am really sorry for the smap of photos- they're all mine from our little Blackpool get away- scroll down to read a virtual diary of our trip xox I love you all so much xox

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Mini Get Away

Hello there loves! How are you all?  I hope youā€™re all goodšŸ˜˜ Through the next few days I would like to take you on an adventure to Blackpool. So below is a daily dairy entry to keep you all up to date as to what is happening, so enough with the blabbering and letā€™s start xox Hope you enjoy itšŸ’• P.S I am so sorry but the tense of this is all over the place because some bits I went along and some bits in the car on the way back xox

Thursday 02nd of June

9.00 am: the plan was for us to leave and head up to Blackpool so we would have more of the day to enjoy however we heard that there was a accident on the motorway we were going to be using so we decided to wait it out at home xox I took a car sickness tablet because although Iā€™m usually fine, we wanted to be safe. Once I was at guide camp and I hadnā€™t taken the tablet, we were on the coach and the road was so narrow and bumpy,  I was sat right at the back and through up over the Isle down the middle- it may not sound too bad but there were so many people that I knew and it was just soooo embarrassing xox Have you ever had something similar happen to you? Let me know xox For breakfast I had a yogurt that was cinnamon, apple and peach flavoured and oats xox May sound a little wired but it was really yummyšŸ˜™

10.30 am: We set of over half an hour ago and weā€™ve just come to the place where the accident was on the motorway, it turns out it was on the other side of the roadšŸ˜… we were so lucky because all the people waiting looked like they were going to be there for another two hours, basically at something like 1 at night two veichles (weā€™re not sure whether it was passage cars or lorries)  and two people died at the scene, and the police are investigating the area so theyā€™ve shut off the whole motorway, but when we were there still wasnā€™t a diversion for all the people affected so they were all just sat in their and not moving xox

11.30 am: Weā€™ve just pulled into a services station and have had a little break, I had 4 pieces of pizza as a lunch because it gets boring when youā€™re in a car with nothing to do so you just eat non stop and feel fat- but none of you lovelies are fat so please never worry about your weight! Weā€™re still on the road and have another two hours left, I forgot to download some films from BBC iPlayer and Channel 4 iPlayer, so Iā€™m just stuck with staring out of the window and writing you updates,  but nothing had happened so I have nothing to update you on, Iā€™m trying to make this as exciting as possible. Please keep reading, I promise this will get more exciting by FridayšŸ’•šŸ˜˜šŸ’•

Do you have any traveling tips? Email me at

2.35 pm: We arrived in the hotel, it took us around five minutes to actually find our rooms and we just unpacked everything and had a good old cup of coffee and tea, weā€™re so lucky to have a sea view room and weā€™re like two minutes of a walk away from the beach so itā€™s really lovely- and hereā€™s the best bit itā€™s actually sunny today!!!

3.15 pm: We left the hotel with a packed picnic to have on the beach, of you not in England, nice whether is super rarešŸ’• it always rains) and we started walking down to the town centre because we went past it on the way to our hotel and it was like a 5 minute drive, so we were like thus will be a cute little walk to take down but it was a 2 and a bit hour walk one wayšŸ‘Œ well done Anna! It turned out being over 13km so tā€™was great xox
10.15 pm: We just got back to the hotel, the walk was really fun and we had a fish and chips whilst in town and also had the picnic when we were on the beach (it was pizza, meatballs sandwiches and salad) but by the time we were in the town we were starving so we decided to have a little treat, we never really have fish and chips unless weā€™re on holiday, I took quite a lot of photos for you guys so I hope you like them xox

11.30 pm: I got into my pyjamas and had some well deserved TV time, there is live entertainment in the hotel but none of us brought evening outfits so weā€™re just watching TV and binging on Doritios xox Sounds lame, is funšŸ˜˜ And now weā€™re just getting into beds and talking for a little bit and then going to sleep because, damm man my calves hurt after all that walking xox

Friday 03rd of June

08.30 am: I woke up and packed my swimming thongs because we were going to a water park, itā€™s called Sandcastles water park and is apparently amongst the biggest in the UK , we didnā€™t realise but a tide was coming in last night and now the beach we were on yesterday is covered over with water so hopefully that goes in so we can have a walk on the beach in the evening, we had porridge for breakfast, and it was so nicešŸ‘

9.30 am: I want to make this is exciting as possible but being honest with you nothing much happened between now and 5.30 because although we were in the water park and we had a great time, it was just 6 hours of me and my sister waiting for rides and going on them and then waiting again, for any of you that have been to the water park then what was your favourite ride?  Mine was Aztec Falls, let me try and describe it for all of you that havenā€™t beenšŸ˜˜,  so itā€™s either a one or two people ride so I went with my sister and you get like a mini raft /draft and you go down a tunnel thatā€™s pitch black and you can just feel yourself falling down and then you get into the middle which oval and you just go round and round on it until you fall into the entrench of the next tube, and then you start slowing down and the ride finishes, altogether it lasts around 1 minute and a half. We went on it 3 times and on the first time we went into the entrance of the next tube forwards but on the next two it just so happened we want in backwardsšŸ˜£ it was really scary xox

6.00 pm: We had the nicest fish and chips EVER!  In fact I loved it so much that Iā€™m even going to tell you the name if the cafe, it was called Mr Matleys family dinner, and it wasnā€™t any fancy restaurant, it was just a cafe near a car park where we had our car, and down a lane from the beach, it wasnā€™t even a restaurant so the prices were really good, we walked past it to go and find somewhere else to eat and then came back because of how many people were there and how nicely it smelt, if you ever find yourself in Blackpool be sure to check it out xox I wasnā€™t asked to write this, itā€™s just they have really lovely service and their food is delicious. And now I have dedicated a whole paragraph to a cafe which wonā€™t even know I wrote thisšŸ‘ Way to go AnnašŸ‘Œ
9.30 pm: We came back to the hotel and went to watch the sunset on the beach- well that was the plan but somehow the tide had managed to come in and the whole beach has been flooded with water so we just stood on the grass above the water and enjoyed the time together.

Saturday 04th of June
I would love to tell you this was by far the most exciting day but that would be lying, we left Blackpool after lunch (we had one last portion of fish and chips and a chocolate cake) and we just walked around the town, then we sat in the car for 4 hours, stopped in Birmingham ikea (which has lush frozen yogurt- just in case you ever get to try it) to get somethings for our great new kitchen xox And then we sat in the car for another hour and arrived home, it was a great weekend which really allowed us to spend time together xox I know throughout this blog I havenā€™t mentioned any arguments with my family,  but trust me there were plenty- and a couple of things happened that allowed me to see why people turn to substances like drugs and smoking to calm themselves down, so although I am not ready to talk about these things yet, I will make a couple of blog posts in the coming weeks on how to deal with arguments and things like that xox

Sending hugs and kisses
Beauty Of A Girl xox

Friday, 13 May 2016


So letā€™s talk about crushes, weā€™ve all had them, right? Celebrity crushes, crushes that arenā€™t right and people in our class crushes! My main celebrity crush is probably Theo James- Iā€™ve been in love with him since I was him in the Divergent series, he is just perfect. Iā€™ve never really had a crush in my class because I tend to become friends with boys rather than fall heads over heels but there are a couple that have caught my eye- just never anything serious. But for all of you lovely people, who actually have good looking people in your lessons, here are some tips on how to know whether you like someone. Here I am hoping to just give you some tips on different scenarios you may face with your crush.
Can we take a minute to appreciate his perfection? 


1.       Find something you both have in common- this will make it easier to start conversations and will give you the ability to have an easy conversation as you will already know lots about the case.

2.       Make a witty comment- show them that there could be something there and that you are interested, although many girls like playing hard to get it is important to show him that you come from the same universe as him and that you are actually capable of being causal.

3.       Always remember to be honest- honesty is the best policy, and lying won't get you anywhere!



1.       Know that there are different kinds of crushes. The term ā€˜crushā€™ gets thrown around a lot. It can simply mean that youā€™re attracted to them.

Ā·         The Friendly Crush: It is important to remember that not all strong feelings are romantic. Letting yourself trust someone and become really close to someone, without necessarily having romantic feelings for him/her, is a really special thing. Wanting to be around a person all the time may just mean that you have gone from friends to best friends. Its totally normal to have a friend crush--you should want to hang out with your BFF as much as possible.

Ā·         The Admiration Crush: When you idolize a person (like a celebrity, teacher, or classmate who has done something really cool) you may realize that you have really intense feelings about that person and what he/she has done. These feelings might be mistaken for romantic feelings simply because they are so intense. Feeling slightly awed in the presence of someone who has done something amazing or can teach you great things is natural. Often, its best to let a bit of time pass before really thinking too hard about these feelings. Generally once you have spent a lot of time with this person, you will have learned a lot from them and may begin to feel like you can stand on equal ground.

Ā·         The Passing Crush: It is human nature to be attracted to other people. Even if you are in a great relationship, you still might find that you feel attracted to someone other than your boyfriend/girlfriend. This attraction is what we call a passing crush-- this new person may seem new and exciting, and he/she probably is, but that doesnā€™t mean you should reconsider the relationship you are in or, if youā€™re single, drop everything to try to be with him/her. Often times, passing crushes are spiked by being attracted--most often physically--to someone.

Ā·         The Romantic Crush: Sometimes having a crush on someone really does mean you really, really like them--and in a romantic way at that. Having a romantic crush means that you want to be with that person in more than just a friendly way--you want to be his/her boyfriend or girlfriend. If you fantasize about kissing, holding hands with, or cuddling with that person, you probably have a romantic crush.


1.       Talk to the person- It may feel awkward at first, but realize that if your crush thinks you're just trying to be friendly, he or she will probably want to talk to you. No matter how dumb you feel, eventually you're going to have to try starting a conversation about something you're both interested in. If it seems too hard at the moment to do this, maybe wait a while until it seems like a better time.

Ā·         ā€¢Don't start conversations if you don't understand the subject matter; focus only what you know about? This sounds fairly obvious, but think about it: If you don't watch football, don't bring it up! It'll make the other person feel odd if he's doing all the talking.

2.       Use body language-If you're talking to a guy, licking your lips supposedly reminds them of kissing. Don't do this too much or they're going to think something's wrong with you, like you are badly in need of chap stick. Playing with your hair a little bit might be a good thing too, but go easy on this one.

3.       Drop ā€˜em hints- If you want to hint to them you like them (after you've been chatting and all for a while...), you don't have to invite them to go somewhere with you if you're uncomfortable with that. Once you get confidence, you can hint something like, "Hey, me, so-and-so, whatshisname, whatshername, and a couple other people are going to the park this weekend. Wanna come?" Understand that you shouldn't ask this as though you think they'll say no. Say it as if you want them to come for fun, and then that might give you a hint on how much they like you.


1.       Ask yourself why your crush is a bad idea-

Ā·         If he/she's a lot younger than you are or he/she's a lot older than you are, why are you interested in a young or old partner whose interests and priorities will be very different from your own?

Ā·         If you have a crush on your brother's girlfriend, is it more about getting one over on your brother than actual interest in the girl? It might be that for a series of circumstances you are feeling needy and vulnerable, making it a bad time to take any action.

2.       Consider your reputation. What will other people think ā€” will they think more, or less of you? Though we often say that it doesn't matter what people think and that love conquers all, in some cases, the fact of the matter is that what other people think does matter, because their disapproval, or even their scorn, may make it very difficult for you to carry out your potential inappropriate relationship. It's important to step back and look at the big picture, to consider how other people would react to your relationship.

I honesly hope that at least one of these sections has come helpful to you or maybe just made you laugh- Iā€™m really sorry that this isnā€™t as personal as my posts usually are however I just donā€™t have a love life so this would have just been a blank page- I hope youā€™re all having a nice day/ night and can I just remind you of how beautiful you are and I anyone that wouldnā€™t want you in their life is making a huge mistake.

Sending hugs and kisses

Beauty Of A Girl


Friday, 22 April 2016

Body Image

Hello beauties! How are you? I really hope youā€™re all well, and have had a nice week. I am really excited to write this blog because I feel like it is something that affects me a lot, and a lot of young people around meā€¦ TODAY I WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT BODY IMAGE! You see I get super conscious about my body, my weight, my stomach looks like and how my legs look, because of how I compare myself to models, who spend hours at the gym every day and hardly eat anything. Recently after Easter this caused a lot of anxiety and I actually over thought everything that was going into my mouth, I was constantly counting calories, I spent a lot of time trying to do mini-workouts as I felt I needed to improve my body image- I also spent quite a lot of money on a running kit (WHICH I AM STILL WAITING FOR TO ARRIVE) but now I am promising myself to try and get fitter without controlling what goes into my mouth because starving yourself isnā€™t a healthy way to lose weight.

The last time I was happy with the way my stomach looked was last summer- when I just felt like Iā€™d managed to achieve what I wanted- I feel like during that time I did a lot more walking and was up and around more and it really helped for me to be more confident on myself.

I also have a guilty pleasure of snacking which I feel like may lead to me feeling insecure- I am writing this on Thursday the 21st and have decided to make myself a promise to cut out my in-between meal snacks for the next week- Iā€™ll let you know how that goes!

This little quote really helped me:ļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æļ»æ

I know you may be reading this and thinking that I shouldnā€™t be trying to make other people feel better about themselves when in reality I am so insecure about my body image and have anxiety, and I totally get you but the thing is that being able to compliment other people helps me- since Iā€™ve started writing this blog Iā€™ve had a lot less anxiety attacks and have manged to accept myself for who I am a little bit more- Iā€™m not writing this for attention because trust me that is the last thing on earth I would want over something like this- I am writing this because I like to think you all deserve to know the truth.
This is what I was comparing myself to- she is perfect!
Here is my exercise routine that Iā€™ve decided to take really seriously, as since Iā€™ve been taking a new type of tablets I was advised to stop taking part in two swimming sessions-Iā€™m going to replace these with going on regular runs (or walks) and me and my mum are getting a membership at a local gym.

Monday: 20 Push ups

                  40 sit ups

                 1 minute wall sit

                 1 minute plank.

Tuesday: 20 sit ups

                  1minute wall sit

                 1 minute plank

Wednesday: Water polo for an hour

Thursday: 20 sit ups

                  1minute wall sit

                 1 minute plank

Friday: Rest  day

Saturday and Sunday: Mixture of sit ups, planks, wall sits and swimming for an hour.

That was probably the most boring part of this weekā€™s blog but I just felt it was important that I shared some of my more personal life with you, non of these exercises require equipment therefore are super fun and easy to try at home.

The thing about body image is that you always want to have someone elseā€™s figure or height and most of the time you look really healthy and attractive anyway :D xox We always want to change a part of our bodies, whether itā€™s our eyelashes or the amount of muscle we have on our bodies weā€™re never satisfied, but my friend (who is amazing and you should check out her blog- link under my name at the end of this blog) wrote about how you should stand in front of the mirror and compliment yourself- it actually works because it helped me when I was going through a massive low during the Easter holidays.

A lot of celebrities struggle with body image 

If you are to learn anything from this I hope it is that everyone gets conscious about what they look like- itā€™s totally normal and I hope I manged to convince you that youā€™re not the only who gets nervous about what they see in the mirror xox

I love you all so much- thank you for the continued support on this beautiful journey xox

Sending hugs and kisses

Beauty Of A Girl

P.S. Check out my friends blog at you really wonā€™t regret it xox

Friday, 1 April 2016


Dear Readers,
I have recently read my own blog and decided that I was wrong, you see I telling everyone to accept and love themselves when in reality I donā€™t, this may be common with everyone because of how self-cautious the society makes us however I feel like I was in a really negative part of my life, and actually I wasnā€™t being myself, so over the past couple of weeks Iā€™ve tried to detox myself from everything negative in my life, I have managed to end a really unhealthy friendship, and have really promised myself to try and be more positive, I am now trying to change friendship groups because although the people I hang around are lovely in lessons I am actually really uncomfortable around them at break and lunch and really in order to be myself I need to change these things. I stopped wearing make up to try and embrace my natural self and I really want to inspire people to have a go at this because itā€™s made me feel so much better about myself.

Hey that's me :D
I started focusing on my skin routine, I have really oily skin and therefore use ā€œClean and Clearā€ Iā€™ve found that this skin routine really helps me have my spots under control and has allowed me to feel more confident about myself, I also visited the doctors about my agony and am now taking daily tablets, theyā€™re supposed to take around 2 months to clear my skin so as soon as that time passes I will update everyone. On Thursday the 24th of March we had a non-school uniform day, so I decided to wear a bit of make up; here is a selfie. I feel like because I havenā€™t worn any make recently it made me feel special and helped me feel a bit better about myself and my appearance.
I havenā€™t worn any make up in around a month, just to allow my skin to be able to have a bit of a breather and I can really see clear progress with my spots limiting, I have still worn lip sticks and lip glosses in order to draw attention to them rather than my eyes where I tend to aim to have the attention.

Top Tips for not wearing make up to school
1)      Take  extra care with your hair- now youā€™re spending less time covering up your face, spend more time trying new hairstyles with your hair,

My favourite hairstyles include
Ā·         Messy buns
Ā·         Pony tails
Ā·         Half up and half down (I tend to straighten my hair)
Ā·         Half up bun with the rest of my hair down

2)      Take time on your eye brows, this will allow your eyes to look better more lifted and it can really help to bring your eyes out,
Here are some tips
Ā·         Mark the areas you want to remove with a white pencil or a concealer
Ā·         Pluck in the direction that they grow as this should be less painful
Ā·         You can use an eyebrow pencil (you can get a really good one from Rimmel that costs Ā£2.99)
Ā·         Make sure your eyebrows are at least the width of your pinkie

3)      You can use a top coat nail vanish to give your nails a healthy glow, keep in mind that some schools are stricter on this than others,
When you take an arty picture of your skin routine- photo credit goes to me :D
4)      Make sure youā€™re cleansing youā€™re face, if youā€™re young than using water will be fine however as you grow up, you may have oily or dry skin- make sure youā€™re using the right moisture for your skin, here is my skin routine- I have oily skin and find that using these regularly helps however they havenā€™t helped clear my spots and therefore I am now taking lymecycline 408 mg to try and control the situation- if you have ever used these please let me know if they helped and any possible side affects you had.

I was in such a bad friendship that was just causing me anxiety and making me self-conscious on who I talked to, like I couldnā€™t talk to any boys without her looking at me as if I didnā€™t have a chance with anyone and I was becoming very self-conscious of my body.
How to end an unhealthy friendship
1)      Understand that itā€™s time for the friendship to end- realise how the person is making you feel and you itā€™s affecting you,

2)      Plan ahead- you may need to think about changing friendship groups, try and make new friends before you say goodbye to your old ones because you probably donā€™t want to sit on your own as you may feel even worse about yourself.

3)      Ask to talk to the person/ people and tell them how theyā€™re making you feel, if they start swearing at you just try not to react with anger but just be honest with them HOWEVER WHATEVER YOU DO DONā€™T APPOLOGISE! You wanted this friendship to end because how they made you feel, donā€™t feel sorry for trying to do the right thing.

4)      Talk to other people, I found that the person had a lot of anger because they werenā€™t expecting it so they tried to do everything to isolate me, trying talking to new people that maybe you wouldnā€™t usually wouldnā€™t. Talk to your other friends or family as it will help get rid of that heavy feeling at the bottom of your chest.

Beautiful readers, remember to try and do everything to make you feel happier and better, throughout your life you will see people come and go, learn to let those negative people go and try and surround yourselves with people that will make you happy.

Sending you all hugs and kisses
Beauty Of A Girl xox