Friday, 15 January 2016


Thank you, for the continued support, it means the world to me, whenever something has hurt me I just read the comments and messages you send me and I feel so much more at peace with myself, it gives my confidence, I really want to mean something to you, whether you read my blog as part of a way to distract yourself or to feel better about who you are, I want you to know that I am always here, whether you need to talk to me, or just need some advice on a situation, however small or petty it seems, if it’s bothering you it must be quite big and I am here.

The point of today’s blog is to talk about anxiety, it is now recognised as a long term disorder, which causes you to feel nervous or self-conscious about a variety of subjects. It can come in different conditions such as phobias, stress or generalised anxiety that leaves you worrying about a variety of situations. Panic attacks are often linked to anxiety, whilst having a panic attack you may find that you are lacking breath, sweating, shaking and going from hot to cold quickly, you may also become really thirsty and unsettled and claustrophobic, dizzy and light headiness, headache and a dry mouth.

When you or somebody around you is having an anxiety a

1)      Take them to a quiet room/place- away from other people, with the smallest amount of noise possible,

2)      Speak to them- gently and reassuringly, it’s important you stay calm yourself as the person will be able to sense your behaviour, if you’re the person having the anxiety attack, try talking to people you trust (e.g. parents, family and friends), knowing someone is listening to you can help you calm down.

3)      Try thinking of an activity, that will get them thinking about something else, like folding clothes or doing jobs around the house, that don’t include any loud noises so let them wash the floor but don’t let them hoover because that’s obviously quite loud.

4)      Let them now you don’t think their weird, comfort them and try and remind them that they’re not the only ones going through this, as this will help you calm them down, if it’s you struggling with the panic attack try and understand that you’re not the only feeling this way, try talking to yourself to calm yourself down,

5)      Let them have a shower or bath, so they stay warm and rewind.

I really hope that none of you ever experience something like this, and if you ever have comment any tips you have xox

Love and kisses
Beauty Of A Girl

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