Friday, 15 January 2016

Embracing yourself

Thank you, for the continued support, it means the world to me, whenever something has hurt me I just read the comments and messages you send me and I feel so much more at peace with myself, it gives my confidence, I really want to mean something to you, whether you read my blog as part of a way to distract yourself or to feel better about who you are, I want you to know that I am always here, whether you need to talk to me, or just need some advice on a situation, however small or petty it seems, if it’s bothering you it must be quite big and I am here.
Recently I have also had the thoughts of starting a YouTube channel, which would cover the same topics the same topics as this however it would be me talking rather than just writing, please take part in the forum below or above ( as I’m not sure where I’m going to put it yet) on what you would prefer.
The aim of today’s blog is just to help us accept ourselves, with all the celebrities and models who’s pictures we see upon a day to day basics it’s really common for us to become cautious of our bodies, looks and weight so I’d thought it might be nice if I just shared some tips on how we can become happy with who we are.

Top tip number 1 (My favourite)
Within your friendship group give each person a piece of paper, and all put your name at the top and sit in a circle, then pass the pieces of paper round and each person has to write a feature of the person who’s piece of paper they have, do everyone’s until you get your own back, then hang it up in a place where you will be able to see it every day, I did this with my friends and reading it every morning makes me realise that although I may not be a model I am myself and that’s the main thing. Concentrate on personality of the person however if you know someone has an insecurity try commenting on that.

Top tip number 2
Write each other little paragraphs of this that complement one another, talk about looks and personality, it can go something like this

Dear Reader,
You are beautiful inside and out, you are smart and funny and I love the colour of your hair, your smile is so pretty it always makes me feel warm inside, you are gorgeous and I love the way you make me feel better about situations, you are so warm hearted and caring – everyone loves you for it. Thank you for believing in me even when I didn’t believe in  myself.                                                                           
Love Beauty of A Girl

Top tip number 3
Embrace yourself, if you’re still self-cautious, stand in front of the mirror and look for your best features, if it’s your eyes, than maybe put some mascara and eyeshadow on to compliment them, if it’s your lips than pop a little bit of lip gloss or lip stick onto them, although these are really little things they may give you more self-confidence which will help you be able to be more open to people and make new friends.

Although you may not always feel beautiful remember that there is someone who thinks about you before they fall asleep, there is someone who would do anything to be you and you are loved my many although it may not always feel as such xox

Sending love and kisses xox

Beauty Of A Girl

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